There was recently some brouhaha over the First Lady's choice of vacation wear, namely a pair of shorts. Some people criticized her for dressing so casually, but really, don't we have better things to discuss as a nation? I thought what she wore was fine and fitting in the hot temperatures of their family vacation destination - the Grand Canyon.
So, I really want to "unfriend" this one person on Facebook because of a pattern of behavior I've noticed. It has not been very friendly behavior. I did some research and also based on stories from others, I found out that the person whom you unfriend does not receive a notice. The only way they would discover this unfriending is if you happen to show up in the cycle of people that FB suggests you might know.
About the Picture: I risked my life to capture this shot as I was crossing the street and stopped briefly on the tracks to snap this photo of a streetcar named "Special". That's what made me take the photo. I like to think I'm special, in the positive sense of the word. Ha ha!
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