Saturday, July 25, 2009
Portrait of My Father

constructive feedback,
photography instructor,
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- $2
- $500K
- 101 California
- 2009
- 39 Steps
- 5:30ish
- 90%
- 9x
- accents
- accident
- achtung
- Acme Bread Company
- Adobe Lightroom
- advent
- adventure
- adventures on the bus
- Affe
- African American woman
- air conditioning
- airborne
- airline
- airport
- Alameda
- Alcatraz
- alien
- allergies
- American
- American flag
- American outrage
- American pop culture
- Americans
- Analyze
- Angel Island
- Angel Island fire
- Angela Merkel
- Anglophile
- angst
- anniversary
- annoying
- anonymous
- Apfelschorle
- Applebees
- April Fools Day
- archaeologist
- architecture
- art glass
- article
- arts
- Asian Art Museum
- Asian disease
- Asian guy
- Asians
- Asians wine tasting
- assembly
- assignment
- at night
- Atlanta
- attorney
- Attorney General
- Australian
- authenticity
- autobahn
- autumn
- avatar
- avoid
- Aztec
- baby
- bacchanalia
- backpack
- bad hair day
- baerentreff
- bagels
- balance board
- balloons
- ballot
- bamboo
- bamboo leaves
- Ban Ki-Moon
- bank of california
- banking
- banks
- banner
- banquet
- baptism
- baptism by fire
- barbed wire
- bargains
- Bark and blooms
- Basel
- bask
- bathroom
- battered
- Bay Area Ski Bus
- Bay Bridge
- Bay to Breakers
- beach volleyball
- bear fur
- beat
- Beijing
- bell peppers
- bells
- Berlin
- Berlusconi
- best friend
- bias
- bibimbap
- bicyclists
- big
- bikinis
- Bilder
- binder clip
- Bingo
- binoculars
- birds sing
- birth rate
- birthdays
- Bistro Burger
- bizarre
- Black Friday
- BlackBerry Bold
- blast
- blood orange
- Blue Angels
- blue collar
- blur
- Blurb
- bmw
- boats
- bombshell
- bonus
- bookcase
- books
- Bose
- Boston
- Boston Common
- Botanical gardens
- Botantical Skin Resurfacing
- bottle
- Bourne Ultimatum
- boxing
- boycott
- bragging
- brands
- bread
- British
- broken engagement
- Buddhism
- Bumble and Bumble
- burning midnight oil
- bus
- bus riding
- Bush
- business
- business administration
- business men
- buttons
- buy one get one free
- buying advice
- buying property
- buzzword
- by the word
- c
- Cable Car
- Cable Car Museum
- cable cars
- Cafe Madeleine
- Cairo speech
- California
- California Academy of Sciences
- California street
- callused
- Caltrain
- camcorder
- camera
- candles
- candy
- candy bar
- Canon
- Canon G11
- Cantonese
- Car
- car accident
- Carl Sandburg
- Carmel
- carnival
- carpool
- cartoon
- casket
- cast
- Casual Friday
- cat nap
- cat person
- catamaran
- caterwaul
- Catonese opera
- cattle
- caution
- Cédric Klapisch
- ceiling
- celebration
- celebrity
- Celia's Mexican Restaurant
- cello
- cereal
- Chai
- chair
- change in career
- charisma
- chatty seatmate
- cheery blossoms
- chemistry
- cherry blossoms
- Chihuly
- children
- Chilis
- chimp
- China
- China Basin
- China people baby
- Chinatown
- chinese
- Chinese character
- Chinese chess
- Chinese New Year
- Chinese people
- Chinese woman
- Chris Brown
- Christmas duties
- Christmas gift for mother
- ciao bella
- cinderella project
- Cinta Aveda Institute
- Citibank
- City College
- City College of San Francisco
- City Guides from Economist
- city hall
- Civic center
- civic duty
- clam shell
- class
- classes in San Francisco
- clean sheet
- clean up
- Clinton
- Clones
- clothes
- clothing
- coast
- cockroach
- Coffe Bean
- coffee
- Coit Tower
- cold
- Color
- colors
- comment
- commentary
- common courtesy
- commuter school
- comparison of cities
- composition
- conference
- confused tourists
- Cons
- Conservatory of Flowers
- constructive feedback
- Contemporary Jewish Museum
- contest
- copier
- corporate america
- corporate veil
- corporations
- corportation
- cost basis
- cost of
- costumes
- countdown
- Couric
- court decision
- cranky
- crazy
- creativity
- crime rate
- crimes
- crimson
- crimson rose
- Crissy Field
- Critical Mass
- critique
- crooked smile
- crookedest
- crosswalk
- crowds
- cruise
- culture
- cup
- Cupid's Span
- custom white balance
- customer service
- dachshund
- Daffodil Hill
- daffodils
- DailyCandy
- dance
- dancing
- dandelion
- danger
- darkroom
- daydream
- Daylight Savings
- De Young Museum
- deaths
- debate
- debit and credit
- Debussy
- decoration
- Democrats
- dentist
- deposition
- desire
- detention camp
- Deutsch
- Deutsche Welle
- Deutschland
- Diamond Head
- diamond lane
- differences
- dim sum
- dim sum guide
- dinner
- dirndl
- discussion
- disgusting
- diversity
- dog person
- doggie diner
- dogs
- Dolores Park
- dome
- domestic US travel
- don't get old
- downtown
- Downtown LA
- drama
- dream
- dream job
- dress shoe
- dried urine
- dried urine smells
- dripping sandwich
- drobo
- drowsy
- du bist so schoen
- due diligence
- dummies
- dumped
- dumplings
- dusk
- Earth Hour
- earthquake
- economic situation
- edgy
- editor
- educated
- education
- Egg holder
- Eigenbroetler
- elections
- Elevation
- Elf
- email overload
- embaracadero
- embarcadero
- Embarcadero Center
- endorphins
- engagement
- engagement ring
- English
- enlargement
- entrepreneur
- EOS 5D
- error
- escape
- etymology
- eureka
- Europe
- European world cup
- euros
- event
- event photography
- events
- Evolver
- excel
- executive pay cap
- exercise
- exercising
- exhibitionism
- exhibitionists
- existential angst
- existential questions
- expert witness
- external storage
- eyeballs
- facial
- factory
- fall festival
- fare increase
- Farmer's Market
- fashions
- faust
- fear of balls
- Feast Days
- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- feedback
- fence
- fern
- Ferry Building
- field trip
- fight on the bus
- filming locations
- financial cost
- financial crisis
- Financial District
- Finanzkrise
- fire
- fire engine
- firefighter
- fireman
- first day
- first day of school
- fischerman
- fish
- Fisherman's Wharf
- flash mob
- flashlight
- Flatiron
- Fleet Week
- flex
- flight
- flights
- flip phone
- Flood Building
- Florence
- Flower
- flower basket
- flower pavilion
- Flowers
- fluffy
- fly
- flying monkeys
- fog
- Food
- food chronicle
- foot
- for love or money
- forensic accounting
- forensics lab
- format
- forms galore
- Fotografie
- frame
- framed art work
- frames
- France
- Frank-Walter Steinmeier
- Frankfurt am Main
- free museums
- free things
- Freedom Trail
- frei wille
- French
- Fridays
- fried
- friendship
- Fritz
- Fritzchen
- fruit juice
- fruits of summer
- furniture
- games
- Gandhi
- Gap
- Garmin Nuevi
- Gatsby
- gender
- gender communication
- Georgia
- geriatrics
- German
- German American Business Association
- German Christmas pyramid
- German exam
- German language
- German pillows
- German restaurants in San Francisco
- Germania
- Germanophile
- germany
- Gesundheit
- GEZ fees
- glamour shots
- glow
- godot
- going home
- gold; vienna
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Golden Gate Park
- golden hour
- golden parachute
- golf
- golfing
- good daughter
- goody good gumdrops
- Grace Cathedral
- Graduation
- grammar
- grand opening
- Grand Palace
- Grant Ave
- green
- green tea
- greeting cards
- groceries
- grocery stores
- growing pains
- gummi bears
- hair cut
- haircut
- Half Dome
- Halloween
- hamster
- handout
- hands
- happy
- happy face
- Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
- hare krishna
- Harvard
- Harvard Business Review
- harvest
- Hawaii
- HDR images
- he said
- head
- headache
- headphones
- headquarters
- heart
- heart locket
- hearts in San Francisco
- heat
- heels
- helmet
- hidden beauty
- high heels
- high school
- highlight
- highway patrol
- hike
- hippies
- historical figures
- Hitchcock
- Holder
- hole in the wall
- holiday
- home
- home sweet home
- homeless
- homemade lunch
- homeward bound
- homework
- Hornblower
- horses
- hot weather
- Hotel
- house brands
- how to
- how to tell the difference
- how to travel
- how to unwind
- hula
- hunchback
- Hungary
- ice cream
- ice skating
- idealist
- If You're Out There
- Ikea
- ikebana picture
- impressions
- improving your brain
- in my dreams
- inauguration
- increase
- India
- indian summer
- industrial
- info overload
- interests
- interpretation
- interview
- Introvert
- invention
- inverse
- Invisible Man
- Italian class
- italiano
- Italophile
- Italy
- itinerary
- J. Crew
- jack-in-the-box
- jaded
- jamba juice
- Japanese
- Japanese Tea Garden
- Japantown
- jeans
- Jeff Weston
- Jennifer Aniston
- job
- John Edwards
- John Legend
- John Mayer
- joong
- July 4th
- jump
- jump on the bandwagon
- Justin Herman Plaza
- JW Marriott
- karaoke
- karma
- Katie Holmes
- keeping up with the Joneses
- Kettle
- keychain
- kiddies
- kids
- kill fly
- King Kalakaua
- Kleenex
- Koi Palace
- Kopfkissen
- Korean food
- lab
- lack of acknowledgement
- ladybug
- laidbackness
- landfill
- lantern
- laptop
- law
- leafy
- lederhosen
- leftovers
- lens
- lessons learned
- letters
- life is unfair
- light
- light bulb
- light switch
- Lightroom
- linguistics
- little monkey
- logic
- logo
- Lombard Street
- lone Cypress
- lone star
- loneliness
- Los Angeles
- lose Chinese market share
- Lost in Translation
- love letter
- lunch
- Lyon Arboretum
- lyrics
- macs
- Mad Men
- Mad Men DVD
- made in China
- magic
- magnifying glass
- Magnolia
- Malen mit Licht
- man and dog
- man and woman
- man in the box
- Mandarin at CCSF
- Mandarin Chinese
- Mandarin collar
- Mandarin for Speakers of Other Dialects
- MandM
- mania
- mannequins
- March Madness
- markets crash
- marriage
- marshmallow
- Martin Luther King
- Massachusetts
- Mastrelli's Delicatessen
- matrimonial harmony
- Maultaschen
- McCain
- medal
- medicine
- Medvedev
- meet up
- melancholy
- Mercedes
- Mercury
- message from President
- Michael Buble
- middle seat
- milk
- mindfulness
- minefield
- Mirror Lake
- mission
- mission accomplished
- Mission Dolores
- misspellings
- mist
- MLK day
- Moana Surfrider
- mobile phone
- model minority
- modern art
- modesty
- Mona Lisa
- money
- money laundering
- monkey
- monkey energy
- Monterey
- Monty Python
- mooncakes
- moonlighting
- moose
- moose head
- more fun than a barrel full of monkeys
- morning
- moth
- movie review
- movies
- Mpix review
- muffin top
- mug
- muni
- Musee Mecanique
- Museum Day
- Museum of Fine Arts
- music
- musical education
- Muslim
- must see films
- mutiny
- MyPublisher
- mystery
- Nancy Drew
- nat king cole
- Natasha Richardson
- nation of cowards
- nature
- Naval base
- Neighborhood
- neon.de
- networking
- new chapter
- new employer
- new job
- New Orleans
- new page
- new president
- New York
- New York City
- New York Times
- New Zealand
- newspaper
- ni hao ma
- night
- night photography
- nightmare
- Nikon
- no dinner
- No line on the Horizon
- no notice
- Nob Hill
- noodle vortex
- NorCal
- North Beach sandwich
- North by Northwest
- North End
- Northface
- Nose
- nose picking
- note cards
- notebooks
- Nunchuk
- Oahu
- oars
- Obama
- Obamania
- Oberammergau
- October 25
- office
- office sketches
- Office Space
- Oktoberfest
- old restaurant
- Old World
- older recruits
- olive bread
- Olympic torch
- One Market
- optometrist
- orange
- Orlando
- Outdoor photographer
- Outrigger
- overeating
- overworked
- Oxenrose
- pack light
- pagoda
- painful
- painiting with light
- Painting with light
- paintings
- paints
- Palace Hotel
- Palin
- palms
- panda
- panning
- paparazzi
- paper cuts
- paper jam
- paradise
- paranoid
- Paris
- party
- passion play
- passport
- pay
- peace
- Peace Plaza
- peach
- peaches
- pear
- Pearls
- pearly whites
- peet's
- pent up monkey energy
- people watching
- personals ad
- pet peeve
- photo book comparision
- photobooks
- photobooks. homemade lunch
- photographers I admire
- photographic rebel
- photography
- photography gig
- photography instructor
- Photography meetup
- photojojo
- photojournalism
- physical education
- picnic
- picture
- pig
- piggy bank
- Pike Place
- pillows
- pills
- pinball
- pinch
- pink
- Piperade
- pivot tables
- Pixar
- pixie cut
- plants
- playing with fire
- pledge of allegiance
- poetry
- points
- polarizing filter
- political
- politics
- polka dots
- poll
- polls
- pollution
- porcelain throne
- portfolio
- portrait
- posing
- post office
- postcards
- potato chips
- potluck
- potsticker
- Poway
- power walking
- powerpoint
- preening
- president
- prime minister
- prism
- products
- profane
- professional facade
- professional women
- prom dresses
- pros
- Provence
- Prudential Center
- psychedelic
- public library
- public nose picking
- public promenade
- public television
- public toilet
- public transportation
- puff of air eye test
- pungent
- put a ring on it
- random acts of violence
- rat race
- Rayko
- Reaching for the light
- reading
- reality show
- recurring dream
- red
- red egg
- red fence
- red room
- red sign
- Red Sox
- redact
- redeem
- renewal
- Renoir
- restaurant
- reunion
- review
- reward
- rice cooker
- Ring
- rinse
- rising tide
- risky business
- rite of passage
- Ritter Sport
- River Bubble
- robot
- Roger Cicero
- Rome
- rooftop garden
- root
- root of all suffering is desire
- rose
- rose garden
- routing
- rubber duckies
- ruckus
- rude
- rush
- sacred
- sad clown
- salad bowl
- sale
- Salon
- Saloon
- Samovar tea lounge
- San Bruno Mountain
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Asian Art Museum
- San Francisco Bay
- San Francisco Japantown
- San Francisco MUNI
- San Francisco Musuem of Modern Art
- San Jose
- sandals
- sandwich
- Saudi Arabia
- Sausalito
- save money
- scales
- scene
- Schlage
- schmooze
- school festivals
- Schroeders
- scissor
- seat neighbor
- Seattle
- Seattle Public Library
- secret
- secret garden
- secret mission
- Secretary of State
- seedling
- self portrait
- sensitive teeth
- sensory overload
- September
- Sequoia
- Servicewueste
- Seville
- SFMoma
- shadow play
- she said
- sheep
- Sheraton
- shirts
- shoe
- shoe rack
- shoes
- shoeshine
- shopping
- short notice
- shortage
- Sightseeing
- silhouette
- silk
- Singtao
- Sitting
- sketchy
- skiing
- skirts
- skyline
- Slanted Door
- sleep
- sleep deprived
- small town
- Smart car
- Smithsonian
- snapshots
- sneeze
- SNL spoof
- snob
- snow
- snowboard
- snowboarding
- SoCal
- soccer
- social butterfly
- social commentary
- social life
- Sofft
- solar power
- soldier
- Somali pirates
- song
- sore
- Sound of Music
- South San Francisco
- Spain
- Spanish
- SPE West
- speed
- speed of pedestrians
- speeding
- spendthrift
- spider
- spiral
- spring
- spring cleaning
- spring rolls
- springtime
- squirrels
- St. Anthony
- St. Mary's Square
- St. Patrick's Day
- St. Stupid Day
- stagnant
- stains
- starbucks
- State House
- Statue of Liberty
- Stern Grove
- stockmarket
- stone
- stores
- stories
- Stow Lake
- straw hat
- street names
- street photography
- strike a pose
- Studio Lagorio
- studio lighting
- Stuttgart
- stylist
- subscription
- suffer
- Summer
- sun worshiper
- Sunday
- sunset
- Superbowl ads 2009
- Suppenkueche
- sushi
- Sutro Baths
- swat
- sweaters
- swine flu mask
- swing
- Switzerland
- SWR3 web radio
- tables
- tabula rasa
- Tahiti
- Tahoe
- Taschenlampe
- tax dollars at work
- taxes
- taxi
- Teamwork
- teapot
- teeth
- Tekka Sushi
- terrorism
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Eve
- The Artist's Way
- the Bus
- the cost of having a social life
- the film
- the modern man
- The Office
- theater majors
- theme tree
- things to do
- three decades angst
- thrillers
- thumbs up
- Tiffany
- timberlake
- time exposure
- Times Square
- Tina Fey
- tiny people
- tips
- tiramisu
- toilet
- toilet humor
- toilet seat covers
- toilets
- Tokio Hotel
- TomTom GO 730 review
- torture
- tourism
- tourist
- tourists
- Toyota
- toys
- Tracht
- Trader Joe's
- traditions
- training
- training the eye
- trams
- translation
- transportation
- Trauma
- travel
- travel magazine
- travel photographer
- travel tips
- Travel wish list
- travelogue
- Treasure Island
- tres cool
- trick or treat
- Tuolumne Grove
- turkey
- Turlock
- TV
- TV debate
- TV show
- twilight
- twilight zone
- twisted
- U2
- ubercool
- ugly Americans
- umbrellas
- uncomfortable
- undisclosed location
- unemployment
- unfriending someone
- United States Postal Service
- Universal Studios
- unsafe
- unwind
- Up the movie
- upside down happiness
- urban renewal
- urinal
- urine smells
- US
- US Airways
- US Army
- utilikilts
- vacation
- Valentine's Day
- Valentines Eve
- values
- Vanity Fair
- vase
- vegetables
- veil
- vending machine
- Veranda
- Vertigo
- verweile doch
- vice
- victory
- video
- video game
- Vietnamese
- Virgin of Guadalupe
- vogue
- Volcano
- volunteer work
- volunteering
- vote
- voting
- VW bug
- Wahlsieg
- waiting for godot
- walkable
- walking
- Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- Walmart
- Walzwerk
- wanderlust
- wardrobe
- warning sign
- water
- water bottle
- waterfalls
- Weather
- wedding
- Wednesday
- weeding
- Weihnachtspyramide
- Western
- Westfield
- Westminster Abbey
- whack a mole
- what goes around comes around
- wheel
- when I fall in love
- why
- Wide angle
- Wii
- Wii Fit
- wikipedia
- wildflower
- Wilhemina
- Will Ferrell
- William Dobbin
- wind chimes
- windmill
- wine
- wishful thinking
- wobbly egg
- woman
- women
- wonton
- work
- work at night
- workshop
- World Affairs Council
- Worldwide Moment of Peace
- Yahoo
- Yerba Buena
- yin and yang
- yoga
- Yosemite
- yuppies
- yuppy
- zebra
- Zen
- Zicam
- zone
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