I learned so much from doing yesterday's volunteer work as a photographer. Let me see if I can distill everything here that I learned or observed.
1. I now know why professional photographers have two camera bodies - so they can switch between wide-angle and telephoto views without having to mount a new lens. Each time you remove and mount a lens, dust has a chance to slip onto the sensor. I hate dust specks.
2. It's very hard to take pictures at events because the lighting is so poor. I want to learn how to expose correctly so that a powerpoint screen is visible and the people in front of it too. Here's an example.
3. I need a photography assistant to help put the powerpoint slideshows together. That was the most stressful part of the photography because my "client" expected a slideshow at 5 PM. Plus, I had to manage some other volunteer photographers I have never met before. If I ever do this again, I need a tried and true team that I can trust.
4. Lighting is so difficult at conferences! I wonder how the pros handle that. I already brought my external flash unit.
5. I need to learn how to use my flash better
6. I need to learn how to take consistenly good pictures. Right now it's still hit or miss.
7. I should take more classes.
8. Lightroom saved the day because I was quickly able to resize over 100 pictures for the slideshow. If I didn't resize them, they would have made the ppt too unwieldy.
9. Use the grey card to get a correct white balance. Many of my pics were too yellow because of tungsten lighting I think. This is maybe one reason I should have shot RAW, which would have enabled me to change WB more easily.
There must be some more takeaways. They'll probably come to me when I'm about to fall asleep.
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