Garmin Nuvi 650
I'm selling my Garmin Nuvi 650 GPS device.
It's been a trusty companion on many a drive down to the South Bay for work. Also, I only purchased this last year, so it is in very good condition. In addition to the GPS device, I am including the friction stand for holding the GSP on your dashboard.
All this for only $350. On Amazon, this is a $550 value.
BTW, I was a good Samaritan yesterday by helping confused looking tourists in the Financial District. They were studying a map intensely when I asked if I could help them. They were looking for a bus to the Golden Gate Bridge they told me - the F-line to be specific. Since they were very close to the Embarcadero, I pointed them in the right direction. I hope my karma account went up by a bit. Since I often play the role of confused tourist in other cities, I am particularly sensitive to tourists in need.
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