Sunday, March 01, 2009

Telltale Signs

I'm a little teapot

You know you're Chinese if you have a small little teapot like the one above.
It's been raining again today and I'm getting cabin fever. I haven't been to Golden Gate Park for 3 weeks now due to the rain! However, staying in forced me to do some more spring cleaning. Today I shredded some old files. Who needs stacks of monthly T-Mobile invoices from 2 years ago anyway? Then I organized some books on the bookshelf and recycled a textbook on tax research. It felt quite cleansing to be rid of the junk.


Anonymous said...

You should place another item next to the teapot to illustrate the scale.

frankfurtsanfrancisco said...

Yes, I need to do that more with my pics. There was a pic of a backpack that needed a small item to show scale.
