Friday, March 13, 2009

Early to bed, Early to rise


Tomorrow is the big day... I'm headed to Lake Tahoe for one day of snowboarding. Actually, I'll be taking a group lesson and probably spending more time falling down than on my feet, but still I'm looking forward to it. The first time I tried snowboarding, I felt plenty sore and beat up the next day. Now I can finally feel like a part of the crowd because everyone talks about "heading up to Tahoe for the weekend." I need to try to keep up with the Joneses as they say, or rather try not to slip too far behind them. That way I'll have something to report on on Monday, when the inevitable question comes up - "What did you do over the weekend?"

This is actually the reason I'm blogging in the morning rather than in the evening. The Bay Area Ski Bus that I'm taking to Tahoe leaves at 4 AM Saturday morning. That means I will need to sleep fairly early tonight. The sacred cow of sleeping in on the weekend has been slaughtered by the trip.

1 comment:

MC said...

Ooh. I like this pic.
