Sunday, October 19, 2008

Money, money, money!


Money isn't everything, especially if you have no time to enjoy it. However, you do need it to survive in this world. The question is - do you want to make less money, enjoy what you do and have more leisure time or make more money but suffer and then spend money on nice stuff and fancy vacations to make you happier?

That is the ultimate question in life that we all need to answer for ourselves.

There is a Buddhist idea out there that desire is the root of all suffering. Stamp out the desire and you stop suffering. Very wise insight indeed!

This picture of American money is for my Scavenger Hunt assignment - Something profane. I actually had to look the word up to make sure I was understanding it correctly. :-P


Michael, Zurich said...

Quoting: "The question is - do you want to make less money, enjoy what you do and have more leisure time or make more money but suffer and then spend money on nice stuff and fancy vacations to make you happier?"
Correct but the answer is not that easy. Be aware that a typical actor, wildlife photographer, or adventure guide has to work part time in the nice places between highways and shopping malls serving french fries to pay the electricity bill for his shabby appartement.

frankfurtsanfrancisco said...

I know some people who work as admin assistants to finance their fun careers as actors.
