Saturday, October 25, 2008

Altweibersommer - Indian Summer

Sportsfeld - Stadium

In den letzten Tagen waren die Temperaturen relativ hoch hier in San Francisco. Wir erleben jetzt Altweibersommer. Warum heisst es "Altweibersommer"? Es muss eine Geschichte hinter dem Wort stecken. Ich interessiere mich fuer solche Themen und Etymologie.
Recently it's been pretty warm in San Francisco. We must be going through Indian summer. In German it's called "Altweibersommer" which taken literally means old woman summer. Why it's called that is beyond me. There must be some story behind it. I like stuff like this - etymology.


Anonymous said...

frankfurtsanfrancisco said...

Thanks anon! Apparently it has something to do with spiders spinning a web and the Northern German word for it that sounds like the German word for girl. Somehow it eventually morphed into Altweibersommer.
