Sunday, August 03, 2008

Too Fit to be President?


There are some pretty dumb and shockingly ignorant comments from American voters in this WSJ article about Obama. Some people can't relate to him because he's too skinny in a country with 66% of people of voting age are overweight. It's insane and ignorant.

It's gotten to the point where he has to be careful in his comments about food. The article highlights two examples. One is when Obama is on the campaign trail and he makes a point to say something like "I just had lunch, but I think there's still room for pie." Another comment he made was when he was eating chicken and said, "Give the chicken breasts to the healthy people. I'll take the wings."
Becoming President of the United States is like one huge popularity contest. It's not about the issues and their programs. It's all about whether they look good or not! Duh! Isn't that what all of life's about. (Please note the dripping sarcasm here.)

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