Sunday, December 21, 2008

For A Laugh

New Toy #2

This is a picture of new toy #2, a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 zoom telephoto lens. I've always been frustrated when I go some place and can't capture the close up details because my lens is only a wide-angle zoom lens. Now, with this in my toolbox, hopefully this will be it in terms of lens purchases (at least for while).

It's raining outside again and I'm sick, so to pass the time, I have been going back in time by reading old Wall Street Journal newspapers that have been piling up. I'm in August 2008 right now. As I was scanning through the papers, one of the articles included a snippet about watching videos online. One of the featured video series is called "Man in the Box", which can be found at this website called Run Away Box. Search for the phrase "man in the box" for little sketches about office life. People who work in an office environment can relate to the absurdities presented in these sketches. Achtung : The language used can be colorful, but you should view it as a study of American pop culture. For example, I learned a new word from the sketch "Urinal" and the word was "shart."


Michael, Zurich said...

If this makes you feel better: I am sick, too.

frankfurtsanfrancisco said...

Es gibt auf Englisch das Sprichwort "Misery loves company". Ha ha. Was ist das deutsche Pendant dazu?
