Thursday, July 31, 2008

Keep your eye on the ball


Today after work I had the second part of my golf seminar at Harding Park in San Francisco. Golf is getting more and more fun with each seminar I attend.

I took public transportation to the park and realize how unreliable the bus system is in the city. First I took the M from downtown to Stonestown. Then from Stonestown, I waited for the number 18 for what seemed like ages to me. It definitely did not come on time. On each of the buses I was on, there were people who talked to themselves. Just a something I noticed.

When I got to the park, the director of the park talked for a bit, introduced us to the golf clubs, the grip, posture and swing. He adjusted our grip and posture and diagnosed the problems with our swings. It was a good experience. For example, at first I was missing on all of my swings. Well, the problem was that I was not looking at the ball! After that, I was able to scrape the ball around a bit.

Around 12 people showed up today. Funny thing was that a lot of them were involved in forensic accounting. I met three other people aside from me who are in that area. Weird. I was the only one from my firm though. KPMG was out in full force.

BTW, I even sustained a hand injury, albeit a minor one. That was how much I was into it. :-) So, all in all, it was a good investment of my time. Who knows, maybe I'll pursue this further.

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