Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Awakening


As a sworn early bird, I tend to wake up pretty early these days so that I can fit some reading and other things in that I really need to get done (like daily blogging!). In the picture above you see a sleepy neighborhood on the cusp of activity.

Yesterday I was in a rush to get some documents printed in the office and of course the printer has to jam! It happens every time. So the monitor tells me where the jam is located and which doors I need to open to remove the paper. I do that and turn little green knobs until I see the evil paper jam. Keep in mind that the copier has been running so the innards are still fairly warm. I'm not going to stick my hand in there! With the clock ticking, I was very tempted to just leave the jam there until the next morning. Luckily a very helpful coworker of mine came over and we cleared the jam. While I turned the green knob furiously, he was pulling out the paper. It came out in pieces and eventually we had to resort to using instruments such as rulers and a scissor. It was like performing a complicated surgery! Funny when you look back, not so funny when you are there!

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