Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Look and you shall find
I was searching for something photo-worthy during my lunch hour today. My feet automatically led me to the Embarcadero because it's such a wide open space with the water from the Bay oh so close. I also like it because it generally doesn't smell like urine. Instead you get a nice breeze and a street that just goes on and on without the interruptions of traffic lights. As I was wandering around, I happened to notice a plaque embedded in the sidewalk. It said "They dream". This was one of a series of plaques, but this phrase resonated the most. Above you see the result of my picture taking adventure. You also get a rare glimpse of me, albeit as a shadow. :-)
P.S. - Please remember to vote in the poll that the upper right hand corner.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Salad bowl
On my way to work this morning,
I was people watching.
There were young people, middle aged people, older folks,
people of all colors of the rainbow,
people of various economic backgrounds and abilities.
The diversity of San Francisco is just awe-inspiring.
We may not necessarily like each other, but
we tolerate one another,
and all share the great little city called
San Francisco.
That's why SF (never call it Frisco!) is more like a salad bowl than a melting pot. Each group maintains its own flavor, but everyone's all mixed together in one bowl.
Monday, April 28, 2008
However, if I'm on vacation or going on a day trip somewhere, and want to take fabulously sharp pictures with a lot of detail that I can eventually print in large format, then I will carry around my Canon EOS 5D with approximately 12 MP. (Pictured above)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ugly Americans

I confess. I did the most touristy thing you could do in town. Yes, I braved the camera toting tourists and walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. This was actually the first time I did it.
It took approximately one hour to walk the 1.7 mile span round trip. Actually it might have taken longer as I often stopped for photos. I would recommend dressing warmly for this walk as it can get very windy up there. There are also plenty of public toilets on each end of the bridge so don't worry about trying not to drink too many fluids.
What struck me most about the bridge was the wonderful red orange coloring against a blue sky. Apparently the color is officially called "international orange". I was also surprised that there weren't too many graffiti scribblings on the bridge considering how many tourists walk across it everyday.
When I was taking the bus home after walking the bridge, there was a gaggle of teenaged girls on the bus. In their fresh-out-of-the-mall perfect little outfits, they looked like fish out of water on the bus. I'm not sure where they came from, but they seemed surprised to see so many Asians eventually board the bus. I highly doubt they were from San Francisco because if that were the case, they would have been used to being around Asians. Anyhow, their behavior got progressively worse. They treated the bus as if it were some sort of zoo and took pictures of themselves on the bus with a backdrop of Asians as if we were wild animals. They kept on gawking, pointing and giggling as the bus ride progressed. It was quite annoying. Then the final straw was when one of the girls suggested taking a picture with all of them using their fingers to pull their eyes into slits to imitate the Asians on board. They all giggled some more as if it were some hugely funny inside joke. They didn't end up doing it though.
How could they be so ignorant to make fun of people that way? The joke wasn't even funny! Perhaps they had never been outside of their plain vanilla suburban homes nor had they ever experienced being in the minority. All I can say is that it's scary that such ignorant people like that are running around. They are the people who give Americans a bad name abroad. They are the ugly Americans.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Proust question of the day:
What would you like to become when you grow up?
I could answer this so many ways. My first dream job was a house painter. Then I moved away from that dream and decided I wanted to become a detective or archaeologist. This was inspired largely by the Scooby Doo cartoon series, in which a group of pesky teenagers and a talking dog named Scooby Doo drove around in their van called the Mystery Machine and solved mysteries.
Great cartoon!
Archaeology interests me to this day because it involves traveling to far-flung destinations to unearth treasures and historical mysteries. Having an aspect of adventure in a job would be awesome! I think it's probably less exciting than most people imagine it, but still it's pretty cool if you can claim at a cocktail party, hey, I'm an archaeologist. Sounds definitely cooler than - I'm a banker, a lawyer, etc.
Being a detective would be kind of cool too. My current job incorporates an aspect of this because I'm working in an area where we investigate allegations of fraud. In essence, you could say that I'm a detective in the business area. Instead of looking at crime scenes, we get to read emails and examine Excel schedules. The more experienced fraud investigators interview the potential fraudsters. In my opinion, the field of forensic accounting is one of the most exciting in the business world. The whole Enron debacle pushed forensic accountants to the fore of public attention.
Other interesting jobs would be a travel photographer, or travel writer. What makes this job appealing? It combines travel and picture taking - two personal passions.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I successfully resisted the siren call of the vending machine at work today. The colorful bag of M&M's were calling to me from behind the shiny glass, practically begging to be bought. I had contemplated it for a moment, but then decided to be strong. No M&M's for me, instead there were nice healthy baby carrots in the fridge. True, baby carrots didn't really satisfy my craving for sweets, but I'm glad I did not succumb. Gelato was waiting for me at home.
P.S. - There's a new poll on this blog. See the top right corner and be sure to cast your vote!
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Today I didn't have time to wander about in my lunch hour, so a picture of Fritz with his crooked smile will have to suffice today. :-) Actually, a macro lens doubles very well as a lens for taking portraits. I really like the fuzzy background as you can see from the picture above. This keeps the focus on the face.
I tried to power through the day, but as 2:30 came along, I was itching to take a walk or get some fresh air away from my cube. Sometimes taking a break does wonders and when you approach your work again, things start coming to you more quickly.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
You can look, but don't touch!
Well, in Italy you can't even look now because that could lead to jail time and a fine. See article below, which came from's Broadsheet column. Molto interessante!
Tonight after work I went to an event at the World Affairs Council, which had a interesting talk about worldwide criminal organizations.
From "Strangers on a train ... under arrest?"
If a man sits too close to a woman on a train or stares at her intensely for an hour or so, can that qualify as sexual harassment? Lawmakers in Lecco, Italy, apparently believe so. Though the Roman hands in the rest of Italy may have a penchant for harassing women in the street, a man in that northern town recently received 10 days in jail and the equivalent of a $63 fine for fixing his eyes on a female commuter on two separate occasions. The court claims that it will explain this odd decision in the future, but maybe now is the time to figure out where the boundaries lie.
Looks can't kill, but if a stranger keeps his eyes glued to your body for an entire hour without your consent, he's bound to make you profoundly uncomfortable. Yes, he. As many a liberal arts professor has noted, the intense gaze of a man can send messages that a woman's usually doesn't. These messages include unsettling predictions like "I am going to kill you," "I am going to rape you," or "I am going to kill and rape you -- it doesn’t matter in what order." Anyone who receives concentrated ogling from a guy she doesn't know is right to err on the side of caution. There's no way of knowing if he's merely fascinated by the color of your pashmina shawl. By breaking one social norm, he's suggesting that he has no problem shattering a few more.
However, we enter peculiar territory when we arrest people for acting strangely in public without causing any physical harm, or committing actual crimes. Under certain circumstances, we already find it acceptable to prosecute those who break society's rules. You can't yell theater in a crowded fire or make jokes about airport security while going through a hijacking, or something like that. But litigating against acts of improper looking could prove even more ambiguous than legislating speech acts. Unless they develop into violations of personal space, incidents of reckless eyeballing are more difficult to verify. People do so much benign viewing that rendering some mysterious portion of it felonious sounds unreasonable. Also, the potential for abuse is high. You might like to throw a sleazebag in the clink for making goo-goo eyes at you, but your own civil liberties are at stake the next time you're fascinated by someone's pashmina shawl. Let's look on the bright side, though. If some weird dude stares at you for an hour, at the very least he's giving you the opportunity to get to safety before it's too late.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Ciao bella!

Ciao bella - Hello beautiful! in Italian and also the name of an gelato chain store in the US. I got two pints today (hazelnut and triple espresso). I had some this afternoon and it was such a nice little treat. The hazelnut gelato actually tastes kind of natural.
Remaining on the topic of food...
Little did I know how serious the food shortage is until I read about it in the Wall Street Journal. Click here for the article. The first time I got wind of this was on my last trip to Costco. I overheard a customer asking one of the Costco employees about the rice. There wasn't any in the shelves and a sign warned people of the "Limit 10 per card" restriction. The shortage seems to be more widespread than just rice according to the article.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Long live letters

Bananas in black and white
I received a birthday card from a friend of mine today. It was a very nice gesture for her to remember my birthday and also to send a card. In these digital days, sending physical cards and letters is a long lost tradition. There's something special about holding a letter in your hand and reading handwritten text. I plan on paying this forward and spreading the joy of letters and cards.
On a different note, I heard a radio commercial today that I found pretty ignorant. A woman's voice comes on the air and says something like this - "In California kids can go surfing in the morning and skiing in the afternoon. Kids can also play computer games in the morning and watch television in the afternoon. Too many kids choose to sit. That's why 1 out of 3 (not sure of my statistic here) children in California are overweight..."
My response to the ad would be to ask the person if she understands the dynamics behind why some kids are sedentary. It's mostly kids from middle to upper middle class who can afford to learn how to surf or go skiing. These sports are expensive because it requires gear like surf boards or skis. Many overweight kids are not from affluent families and therefore these activities are cost prohibitive. Moreover, these kids may live in dangerous neighborhoods where it is just not safe to venture out of the house.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The young & the restless

Aside from class, I'm trying to take it easy this weekend - no photo shoots, just some maintenance things that I've put off for a long time. Okay, maybe I'll waste some more time with that Brain game. I'm happy to report that I now have the brain of a nerd.
BTW: This is a picture of an old heart-shaped locket.
Friday, April 18, 2008

Thank you all for your warm wishes and greetings. Happy birthday, frankfurtsanfrancisco!
One of my gifts to myself is a macro lens. It's been on my wish list for a long time and I've been talking about getting it. Since I dislike empty talk (aka fluff, hot air) and no action, I decided to finally take the plunge and buy it once and for all! Still need to learn how to use it though.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Late night blogging
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cable cars of San Francisco

Though I've never tried, it seems like fun to ride a cable car. After all, they are moving monuments. I took this picture early this morning and I think the light really is better than in the afternoon when the light is too bright, too harsh and unforgiving.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mission Possible

I have been inspired by the other photographers I met on the shoot in Alameda. Their photos have this special something about it that elevates it above snapshots by mere mortals. Generally speaking it is the lighting and composition that make their photos stand out.
Today in the lunch room I picked up a travel book that had an article on San Francisco. The photographer took a photo of the Ferry Building interior similar to the way I captured it above. However, I noticed the magazine's photo had warmer lighting. Probably taken close to sunset, one the best times for warm light. Also, the photo captured more humans, therefore making it more interesting to the magazine readers. This type of analysis and comparison is the first step in improving I think. I need to take a class or workshop!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Jungle fever

Picture of the day: Potted bamboo at the Embarcadero
Headlines in the news: Obama thinks people in Pennsylvania are bitter about their economic prospects and that's why they cling to religion and guns. This leaked out into the media and now his competitors are milking his indiscretion for all it's worth. This is one of the most exciting races for the US Presidency I've ever experienced!
If I may continue my list of things that Europe (generally) does better than the States or vice versa ...
1. Dedicated bicycle lanes - In Frankfurt more "normal" people bicycled everywhere. I saw old folks, teenagers, housewives, etc. Here in San Francisco, you have to be pretty brave to bike to work on the crazy streets where gigantic SUV's share the road with bicyclists. Most of the people who bicycle in the city seem like they are pros. You'd almost have to be in order to navigate the streets of San Francisco and reach your destination unscathed and with your sanity intact.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Indulge yourself

Yes, today is Sunday and a time to indulge in some thought-provoking reading of trashy celebrity gossip mags. Those things are full of pictures and are similar to high caloric junk food for your brain because they do nothing nutritionally, but we all enjoy it once in a while.
My picture of the day is of a straw hat balancing on a fence close to the bowling greens at Golden Gate Park.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Industrial shoot
I joined other photography enthusiasts this afternoon in Alameda for this event. It was pretty cool (figuratively speaking) and challenging at the same time because we went to an abandoned government site to do a shoot. It challenged me to seek out the aesthetic where most viewers would only see an uninteresting industrial wasteland. I took a total of 34 images and ended up with only a handful that I thought were ok.
Another reason it was a cool event was that the other photography enthusiasts I met were very down to earth people and open to getting to know other shutterbugs. I did not notice cliquish behavior, which really recommends the group. Most people were very approachable and friendly. Overall, the event was very well organized. The only drawback was the sweltering sun pounding down on me. I would have enjoyed it even more had the temperatures been

Friday, April 11, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Today is also my two month anniversary of working in my current position. I've gained many new enriching experiences since my first day on February 11. On one project I had to quality check documents. On my current project I get to refreshen my accounting skills because it requires me to understand debits and credits and analyze journal entries.
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Picked up my new glasses yesterday. I asked for redish frames and was recommended these here. The colors are red on the outside and light blue on the inside. It brightens my day literally. Also the service at my optometrist is impeccable. They gave me a little bag with my glasses case, two cloths to wipe the lens with and lens cleaning solution.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I couldn't really miss out on the action, so a coworker and I decided to join the crowds to check out the commotion. There were huge gatherings of people all over the Embarcadero as you can see from this picture taken from the office. There was a band, and traditional Chinese performing artists like lion dancers and dragon dancers to entertain the crowd until the torch arrived. I must have seen the dragons walk in circles 20 or more times before I decided to hightail it back to work. Below you'll also see a picture of a tired dragon resting. Luckily I left when I did because the torch would never arrive. Instead it was rerouted to avoid the crowds and protesters.

The protesters I saw were relatively peaceful. You had the pro-Tibet and then the pro-China demonstrators who were waving their respective flags.
Just as an aside, I think the cops in San Francisco have a much cooler

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Surprise, surprise!

Then when I got home, I spied a little yellow cardboard box the size of a video tape. I immediately recognized from the packaging that it was from Germany. Since I wasn't expecting anything, I was a very pleasantly surprised to discover the contents. Yes, it contained those delicious, tangy fruit juice gummi bears I've always been raving about and a handwritten postcard from a friend in Frankfurt! If only every day could be full of nice surprises! :-)
Monday, April 07, 2008
Of trams and the Old World

Proust question of the day:
Where would you like to live?
In the Old World. Europe seems like it would be a good fit because I enjoy history, architecture and culture. If money were no object, living in London for a while seems like it would be cool, although driving on the left side of the road would drive me nuts and be pretty dangerous. A couple prerequisites of where I choose to live would be excellent public transportation and a thriving city center.

Sunday, April 06, 2008
De Young Museum

De Young Museum
Walked by this museum today to take these images. I've been fascinated by the tall yellow thing that I noticed last Sunday.
I remember going to this museum for field trips in school, but I've never been inside after it was renovated.
Saturday, April 05, 2008

I also went to Oxenrose to get my haircut this afternoon. This time I gave the stylist clear instructions and was more pleased with the results than last time. We even had a nice conversation, which isn't always the case. Here's a picture of my haircut experience today.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Hanging out with the boys

Yuppie #1: So... what you got goin' on tonight?
Yuppie #2: Just going to hang with the boys. Grab some dinner. What you up to?
Yuppie #1: I'm just gonna chill tonight. Keep it low key. Tomorrow the game's on, so I'll probably go to a sports bar. There's nothing much to do in this town.
It was interesting to overhear their conversation. I couldn't help it because they were the only ones talking in the train, so it wasn't as if I were eavesdropping. :) (Usually I do smileys with a nose, but just felt like mixing it up.) I can't believe Yuppie #2 said there was nothing to do in this town! His buddy agreed with him too. That's the ultimate insult to a native San Franciscan. For the record, there is lots to do in San Francisco! Also, I thought it was weird that he said he was going to hang with the boys. I would've thought he would use the word guys.
Anyways, aside from that little snippet of conversation, I went to the dentist today. I've been going to them for around 20 years now. How crazy is that? The dentist was using these tools to do some serious cleaning. It was so serious that topical anesthetic was used. After all that scraping, I am truly amazed that my teeth are still anchored in my mouth.

Picture above: Powell and Market streets - cable car turnaround where all the tourists wait to board one of these San Francisco icons.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Mutiny aboard the bus!
This morning I read an interesting article about introverts titled "Caring for Your Introvert"
Just imagine how the world would be different if it were ruled by introverts instead of extroverts. :-)
Proust question of the day:
- Your favorite painter?
Picture of the day: Potstickers for dinner. I left my camera at home, so I had to resort to photographing my dinner once again. I really do try to be more creative and vary my pictures. :-)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Greet and walk

For instance, you are in an office and a colleague walks by. Someone might say "Hi, how are you?" and then walk on. You might possibly answer in a number of ways:
1. Fine, thanks. How are you? (This formal option is a bit lengthy and people don't have time for lengthy answers about your toothache or the DIY project you just started. ;-) )
2. Fine, thanks.
3. Any variation of the above
Proust question of the day: The quality you most admire in a man?
A certain "laidbackness" (I think I just made up a word) or quiet confidence that things will turn out right in the end. Quiet confidence is the opposite of arrogance.
About the picture: This image of a bus was taken in the evening. The public transportation system in San Francisco is called Muni. Everyone in San Francisco likes to bash Muni because it never comes on time, or worse sometimes it just does not show up.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The magic of leafy green veggies

Proust question of the day: Your favorite virtues?
Generosity and kindness
If there were more generous and kind people in the world, it would be a better place.
- $2
- $500K
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- 2009
- 39 Steps
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- baptism by fire
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- battered
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- big
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- birds sing
- birth rate
- birthdays
- Bistro Burger
- bizarre
- Black Friday
- BlackBerry Bold
- blast
- blood orange
- Blue Angels
- blue collar
- blur
- Blurb
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- bonus
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- books
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- Boston Common
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- Botantical Skin Resurfacing
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- bus riding
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- business men
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- buy one get one free
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- buying property
- buzzword
- by the word
- c
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- Cable Car Museum
- cable cars
- Cafe Madeleine
- Cairo speech
- California
- California Academy of Sciences
- California street
- callused
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- candles
- candy
- candy bar
- Canon
- Canon G11
- Cantonese
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- car accident
- Carl Sandburg
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- cartoon
- casket
- cast
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- caution
- Cédric Klapisch
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- celebrity
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- chinese
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- Chinese New Year
- Chinese people
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- Christmas gift for mother
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- City College of San Francisco
- City Guides from Economist
- city hall
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- civic duty
- clam shell
- class
- classes in San Francisco
- clean sheet
- clean up
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- clothing
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- cockroach
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- coffee
- Coit Tower
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- colors
- comment
- commentary
- common courtesy
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- composition
- conference
- confused tourists
- Cons
- Conservatory of Flowers
- constructive feedback
- Contemporary Jewish Museum
- contest
- copier
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- corporate veil
- corporations
- corportation
- cost basis
- cost of
- costumes
- countdown
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- court decision
- cranky
- crazy
- creativity
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- crimes
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- crimson rose
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- Critical Mass
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- crookedest
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- cup
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- customer service
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- daffodils
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- dancing
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- deaths
- debate
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- decoration
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- deposition
- desire
- detention camp
- Deutsch
- Deutsche Welle
- Deutschland
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- diamond lane
- differences
- dim sum
- dim sum guide
- dinner
- dirndl
- discussion
- disgusting
- diversity
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- doggie diner
- dogs
- Dolores Park
- dome
- domestic US travel
- don't get old
- downtown
- Downtown LA
- drama
- dream
- dream job
- dress shoe
- dried urine
- dried urine smells
- dripping sandwich
- drobo
- drowsy
- du bist so schoen
- due diligence
- dummies
- dumped
- dumplings
- dusk
- Earth Hour
- earthquake
- economic situation
- edgy
- editor
- educated
- education
- Egg holder
- Eigenbroetler
- elections
- Elevation
- Elf
- email overload
- embaracadero
- embarcadero
- Embarcadero Center
- endorphins
- engagement
- engagement ring
- English
- enlargement
- entrepreneur
- EOS 5D
- error
- escape
- etymology
- eureka
- Europe
- European world cup
- euros
- event
- event photography
- events
- Evolver
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- executive pay cap
- exercise
- exercising
- exhibitionism
- exhibitionists
- existential angst
- existential questions
- expert witness
- external storage
- eyeballs
- facial
- factory
- fall festival
- fare increase
- Farmer's Market
- fashions
- faust
- fear of balls
- Feast Days
- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- feedback
- fence
- fern
- Ferry Building
- field trip
- fight on the bus
- filming locations
- financial cost
- financial crisis
- Financial District
- Finanzkrise
- fire
- fire engine
- firefighter
- fireman
- first day
- first day of school
- fischerman
- fish
- Fisherman's Wharf
- flash mob
- flashlight
- Flatiron
- Fleet Week
- flex
- flight
- flights
- flip phone
- Flood Building
- Florence
- Flower
- flower basket
- flower pavilion
- Flowers
- fluffy
- fly
- flying monkeys
- fog
- Food
- food chronicle
- foot
- for love or money
- forensic accounting
- forensics lab
- format
- forms galore
- Fotografie
- frame
- framed art work
- frames
- France
- Frank-Walter Steinmeier
- Frankfurt am Main
- free museums
- free things
- Freedom Trail
- frei wille
- French
- Fridays
- fried
- friendship
- Fritz
- Fritzchen
- fruit juice
- fruits of summer
- furniture
- games
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- Gap
- Garmin Nuevi
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- gender communication
- Georgia
- geriatrics
- German
- German American Business Association
- German Christmas pyramid
- German exam
- German language
- German pillows
- German restaurants in San Francisco
- Germania
- Germanophile
- germany
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- GEZ fees
- glamour shots
- glow
- godot
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- gold; vienna
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Golden Gate Park
- golden hour
- golden parachute
- golf
- golfing
- good daughter
- goody good gumdrops
- Grace Cathedral
- Graduation
- grammar
- grand opening
- Grand Palace
- Grant Ave
- green
- green tea
- greeting cards
- groceries
- grocery stores
- growing pains
- gummi bears
- hair cut
- haircut
- Half Dome
- Halloween
- hamster
- handout
- hands
- happy
- happy face
- Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
- hare krishna
- Harvard
- Harvard Business Review
- harvest
- Hawaii
- HDR images
- he said
- head
- headache
- headphones
- headquarters
- heart
- heart locket
- hearts in San Francisco
- heat
- heels
- helmet
- hidden beauty
- high heels
- high school
- highlight
- highway patrol
- hike
- hippies
- historical figures
- Hitchcock
- Holder
- hole in the wall
- holiday
- home
- home sweet home
- homeless
- homemade lunch
- homeward bound
- homework
- Hornblower
- horses
- hot weather
- Hotel
- house brands
- how to
- how to tell the difference
- how to travel
- how to unwind
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- hunchback
- Hungary
- ice cream
- ice skating
- idealist
- If You're Out There
- Ikea
- ikebana picture
- impressions
- improving your brain
- in my dreams
- inauguration
- increase
- India
- indian summer
- industrial
- info overload
- interests
- interpretation
- interview
- Introvert
- invention
- inverse
- Invisible Man
- Italian class
- italiano
- Italophile
- Italy
- itinerary
- J. Crew
- jack-in-the-box
- jaded
- jamba juice
- Japanese
- Japanese Tea Garden
- Japantown
- jeans
- Jeff Weston
- Jennifer Aniston
- job
- John Edwards
- John Legend
- John Mayer
- joong
- July 4th
- jump
- jump on the bandwagon
- Justin Herman Plaza
- JW Marriott
- karaoke
- karma
- Katie Holmes
- keeping up with the Joneses
- Kettle
- keychain
- kiddies
- kids
- kill fly
- King Kalakaua
- Kleenex
- Koi Palace
- Kopfkissen
- Korean food
- lab
- lack of acknowledgement
- ladybug
- laidbackness
- landfill
- lantern
- laptop
- law
- leafy
- lederhosen
- leftovers
- lens
- lessons learned
- letters
- life is unfair
- light
- light bulb
- light switch
- Lightroom
- linguistics
- little monkey
- logic
- logo
- Lombard Street
- lone Cypress
- lone star
- loneliness
- Los Angeles
- lose Chinese market share
- Lost in Translation
- love letter
- lunch
- Lyon Arboretum
- lyrics
- macs
- Mad Men
- Mad Men DVD
- made in China
- magic
- magnifying glass
- Magnolia
- Malen mit Licht
- man and dog
- man and woman
- man in the box
- Mandarin at CCSF
- Mandarin Chinese
- Mandarin collar
- Mandarin for Speakers of Other Dialects
- MandM
- mania
- mannequins
- March Madness
- markets crash
- marriage
- marshmallow
- Martin Luther King
- Massachusetts
- Mastrelli's Delicatessen
- matrimonial harmony
- Maultaschen
- McCain
- medal
- medicine
- Medvedev
- meet up
- melancholy
- Mercedes
- Mercury
- message from President
- Michael Buble
- middle seat
- milk
- mindfulness
- minefield
- Mirror Lake
- mission
- mission accomplished
- Mission Dolores
- misspellings
- mist
- MLK day
- Moana Surfrider
- mobile phone
- model minority
- modern art
- modesty
- Mona Lisa
- money
- money laundering
- monkey
- monkey energy
- Monterey
- Monty Python
- mooncakes
- moonlighting
- moose
- moose head
- more fun than a barrel full of monkeys
- morning
- moth
- movie review
- movies
- Mpix review
- muffin top
- mug
- muni
- Musee Mecanique
- Museum Day
- Museum of Fine Arts
- music
- musical education
- Muslim
- must see films
- mutiny
- MyPublisher
- mystery
- Nancy Drew
- nat king cole
- Natasha Richardson
- nation of cowards
- nature
- Naval base
- Neighborhood
- networking
- new chapter
- new employer
- new job
- New Orleans
- new page
- new president
- New York
- New York City
- New York Times
- New Zealand
- newspaper
- ni hao ma
- night
- night photography
- nightmare
- Nikon
- no dinner
- No line on the Horizon
- no notice
- Nob Hill
- noodle vortex
- NorCal
- North Beach sandwich
- North by Northwest
- North End
- Northface
- Nose
- nose picking
- note cards
- notebooks
- Nunchuk
- Oahu
- oars
- Obama
- Obamania
- Oberammergau
- October 25
- office
- office sketches
- Office Space
- Oktoberfest
- old restaurant
- Old World
- older recruits
- olive bread
- Olympic torch
- One Market
- optometrist
- orange
- Orlando
- Outdoor photographer
- Outrigger
- overeating
- overworked
- Oxenrose
- pack light
- pagoda
- painful
- painiting with light
- Painting with light
- paintings
- paints
- Palace Hotel
- Palin
- palms
- panda
- panning
- paparazzi
- paper cuts
- paper jam
- paradise
- paranoid
- Paris
- party
- passion play
- passport
- pay
- peace
- Peace Plaza
- peach
- peaches
- pear
- Pearls
- pearly whites
- peet's
- pent up monkey energy
- people watching
- personals ad
- pet peeve
- photo book comparision
- photobooks
- photobooks. homemade lunch
- photographers I admire
- photographic rebel
- photography
- photography gig
- photography instructor
- Photography meetup
- photojojo
- photojournalism
- physical education
- picnic
- picture
- pig
- piggy bank
- Pike Place
- pillows
- pills
- pinball
- pinch
- pink
- Piperade
- pivot tables
- Pixar
- pixie cut
- plants
- playing with fire
- pledge of allegiance
- poetry
- points
- polarizing filter
- political
- politics
- polka dots
- poll
- polls
- pollution
- porcelain throne
- portfolio
- portrait
- posing
- post office
- postcards
- potato chips
- potluck
- potsticker
- Poway
- power walking
- powerpoint
- preening
- president
- prime minister
- prism
- products
- profane
- professional facade
- professional women
- prom dresses
- pros
- Provence
- Prudential Center
- psychedelic
- public library
- public nose picking
- public promenade
- public television
- public toilet
- public transportation
- puff of air eye test
- pungent
- put a ring on it
- random acts of violence
- rat race
- Rayko
- Reaching for the light
- reading
- reality show
- recurring dream
- red
- red egg
- red fence
- red room
- red sign
- Red Sox
- redact
- redeem
- renewal
- Renoir
- restaurant
- reunion
- review
- reward
- rice cooker
- Ring
- rinse
- rising tide
- risky business
- rite of passage
- Ritter Sport
- River Bubble
- robot
- Roger Cicero
- Rome
- rooftop garden
- root
- root of all suffering is desire
- rose
- rose garden
- routing
- rubber duckies
- ruckus
- rude
- rush
- sacred
- sad clown
- salad bowl
- sale
- Salon
- Saloon
- Samovar tea lounge
- San Bruno Mountain
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Asian Art Museum
- San Francisco Bay
- San Francisco Japantown
- San Francisco MUNI
- San Francisco Musuem of Modern Art
- San Jose
- sandals
- sandwich
- Saudi Arabia
- Sausalito
- save money
- scales
- scene
- Schlage
- schmooze
- school festivals
- Schroeders
- scissor
- seat neighbor
- Seattle
- Seattle Public Library
- secret
- secret garden
- secret mission
- Secretary of State
- seedling
- self portrait
- sensitive teeth
- sensory overload
- September
- Sequoia
- Servicewueste
- Seville
- SFMoma
- shadow play
- she said
- sheep
- Sheraton
- shirts
- shoe
- shoe rack
- shoes
- shoeshine
- shopping
- short notice
- shortage
- Sightseeing
- silhouette
- silk
- Singtao
- Sitting
- sketchy
- skiing
- skirts
- skyline
- Slanted Door
- sleep
- sleep deprived
- small town
- Smart car
- Smithsonian
- snapshots
- sneeze
- SNL spoof
- snob
- snow
- snowboard
- snowboarding
- SoCal
- soccer
- social butterfly
- social commentary
- social life
- Sofft
- solar power
- soldier
- Somali pirates
- song
- sore
- Sound of Music
- South San Francisco
- Spain
- Spanish
- SPE West
- speed
- speed of pedestrians
- speeding
- spendthrift
- spider
- spiral
- spring
- spring cleaning
- spring rolls
- springtime
- squirrels
- St. Anthony
- St. Mary's Square
- St. Patrick's Day
- St. Stupid Day
- stagnant
- stains
- starbucks
- State House
- Statue of Liberty
- Stern Grove
- stockmarket
- stone
- stores
- stories
- Stow Lake
- straw hat
- street names
- street photography
- strike a pose
- Studio Lagorio
- studio lighting
- Stuttgart
- stylist
- subscription
- suffer
- Summer
- sun worshiper
- Sunday
- sunset
- Superbowl ads 2009
- Suppenkueche
- sushi
- Sutro Baths
- swat
- sweaters
- swine flu mask
- swing
- Switzerland
- SWR3 web radio
- tables
- tabula rasa
- Tahiti
- Tahoe
- Taschenlampe
- tax dollars at work
- taxes
- taxi
- Teamwork
- teapot
- teeth
- Tekka Sushi
- terrorism
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Eve
- The Artist's Way
- the Bus
- the cost of having a social life
- the film
- the modern man
- The Office
- theater majors
- theme tree
- things to do
- three decades angst
- thrillers
- thumbs up
- Tiffany
- timberlake
- time exposure
- Times Square
- Tina Fey
- tiny people
- tips
- tiramisu
- toilet
- toilet humor
- toilet seat covers
- toilets
- Tokio Hotel
- TomTom GO 730 review
- torture
- tourism
- tourist
- tourists
- Toyota
- toys
- Tracht
- Trader Joe's
- traditions
- training
- training the eye
- trams
- translation
- transportation
- Trauma
- travel
- travel magazine
- travel photographer
- travel tips
- Travel wish list
- travelogue
- Treasure Island
- tres cool
- trick or treat
- Tuolumne Grove
- turkey
- Turlock
- TV
- TV debate
- TV show
- twilight
- twilight zone
- twisted
- U2
- ubercool
- ugly Americans
- umbrellas
- uncomfortable
- undisclosed location
- unemployment
- unfriending someone
- United States Postal Service
- Universal Studios
- unsafe
- unwind
- Up the movie
- upside down happiness
- urban renewal
- urinal
- urine smells
- US
- US Airways
- US Army
- utilikilts
- vacation
- Valentine's Day
- Valentines Eve
- values
- Vanity Fair
- vase
- vegetables
- veil
- vending machine
- Veranda
- Vertigo
- verweile doch
- vice
- victory
- video
- video game
- Vietnamese
- Virgin of Guadalupe
- vogue
- Volcano
- volunteer work
- volunteering
- vote
- voting
- VW bug
- Wahlsieg
- waiting for godot
- walkable
- walking
- Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- Walmart
- Walzwerk
- wanderlust
- wardrobe
- warning sign
- water
- water bottle
- waterfalls
- Weather
- wedding
- Wednesday
- weeding
- Weihnachtspyramide
- Western
- Westfield
- Westminster Abbey
- whack a mole
- what goes around comes around
- wheel
- when I fall in love
- why
- Wide angle
- Wii
- Wii Fit
- wikipedia
- wildflower
- Wilhemina
- Will Ferrell
- William Dobbin
- wind chimes
- windmill
- wine
- wishful thinking
- wobbly egg
- woman
- women
- wonton
- work
- work at night
- workshop
- World Affairs Council
- Worldwide Moment of Peace
- Yahoo
- Yerba Buena
- yin and yang
- yoga
- Yosemite
- yuppies
- yuppy
- zebra
- Zen
- Zicam
- zone