Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dog days of summer


Although it's not officially summer yet, no one really cares. Especially not the dogs. They always enjoy themselves regardless of the season and weather. They are really a joy to look at because they make you smile with their antics. For example, today I saw a white dog wearing a white megaphone-looking-like-thing stick its head out a car window to enjoy the air rushing through its fur and ears. How cute! I don't know for sure, but I think the megaphone thingy prevents dogs from licking themselves.

Word on the street: Today I overhead someone say that San Francisco reminded her of NYC, Hawaii and New Orleans all mixed together. She said that San Franciscans are more laid back than New Yorkers, and we're more health conscious than the citizens of the Big Easy (New Orleans). That's interesting because I've never heard that combo before.

Yesterday evening I started drafting an itinerary for visitors to San Francisco. At first I thought of it as a chore, but then I really got into it and realized that I have a lot of insights to share with visitors. It's turning into a little project.

Happy Daddy Day!

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