In reminiscing about Germany, one thing I actually do not miss is the cafeteria food at the client site. The pasta was generally overcooked and there were often supersized portions of meat.
Here in San Francisco, we don't have the luxury of a cafeteria, but we do have a huge variety of foods available. You can have a simple sandwich or Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern all within a 5 minute walk. Also in the supermarkets, the variety of fruits and veggies available is amazing. On the food front, I am definitely glad to be back in good old San Francisco. Note to the audience: Never ever call the city Frisco! It's like a swear word.
Okay, gotta go study for an Italian quiz.
P.S. - The photo above is of an office building lobby. I snapped this while waiting for my Jamba Juice with fiber boost. Just because it's Friday, I'll be extra generous and post a second picture I

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