Here's looking at you kid!
This will be the last post from frankfurtsanfrancisco. It's been a fun experiment that I will miss, but it's all for the better. I am moving on and focusing my energies on my other website and other projects.
Never say never. Who knows? I just might start up a new blog under a new name if it strikes my fancy.
Only 4 more hours to the new year. I hope that it will bring all of my faithful readers good health, happiness and success.
About the picture: In honor of my last post, I decided to haul out the "big boy" camera and snap a photo of me. Taking self portraits helps me to be more self aware. For example, I realized how asymmetrical my eyes are. Also, my default look, that of a poker face can be quite intimidating. My resolution for 2010 should be to smile more, when it's appropriate of course. :-)
Bis demnaechst! Adieu! Ciao! Adios! Until Next Time...
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