Blue NightI learned three new things today.
1. I don't like broccoli rabe
2. I learned (kind of) how to tie a scarf in a new way
3. MS Visio can be used to create timelines
Today for lunch I invited my coworkers to try out "
Il Cane Rosso" with me. It's a new restaurant in the Ferry Building. I ordered the
broccoli rabe sandwich since the other sandwiches sounded too meaty to me. When I bit into it, I was put off by the bitter taste. After complaining to my office mates about it, one of them informed me that broccoli rabe is a type of broccoli that tastes bitter. Wow, I will never forget that lesson! I probably won't go back there either because the prices were pretty high for food that is not that distinguished. In any case, I paid for that lesson and now have a new experience under my belt.
While heading out of the building for lunch, I had to take an elevator down to the lobby of course. I stepped into the crowded elevator and minded my own business. Suddenly the woman next to me, a total stranger, turns to me and asks, "Do you want me to show you a new way to tie your scarf?". After I said yes, she proceeded to unknot my scarf and retied it a different way explaining as she went along. I just thought it was a very interesting experience. People don't usually do that in elevators to total strangers. Maybe she didn't consider me a total stranger since we worked in the same building and for the same employer. This experience prompted me to research scarf tying techniques and I came across this site
In the afternoon, I had to rush a presentation to my manager. One of the slides was supposed to come from an image in a Visio file. It was a timeline image. My mission was to update the timeline and paste the new timeline into Powerpoint. I thought the dates in Visio could just be changed pretty simply, however, I was wrong. Apparently the timeline was built using special Visio features, so I had to right click it to "Configure the intervals" before it worked. I never knew Visio had timeline capabilities. I only used it for its process flow diagraming powers.
Now I'm exhausted from such an experience rich day. Buenas noches!