Saturday, May 16, 2009

Obama Star Power

Trader Joe's

This is what Americans do on a Saturday morning - they go grocery shopping. Actually, this isn't any old grocery store, this is Trader Joe's, where they sell health conscious food, nice house brands and a huge selection of cereal. They try to be quirky and their employees are alternative too. They wear Hawaiian shirts as their uniform. Those artsy types, you know.

Anyway, away from the mundane ... we got some Obama star power in the region today. Michelle Obama was the commencement speaker at the UC Merced graduation. The students sent her hand made Valentines and urged her to speak at their commencement. This gesture moved her so much that she agreed to speak today. I think this was nice of her. Instead of speaking at a high powered school like Stanford or UC Berkeley, she instead decided to honor the little guys with her presence. Notice how there are many minorities in the picture with Michelle Obama. I like it when the underdog scores a win.

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