Thursday, March 05, 2009

On Reading


You know you're Chinese when you have doilies draped on your furniture.


A friend of mine recommended that I read the overnight sensation "Twilight" from Stephenie Meyer. Perhaps I may borrow it from the library if I can elbow all the teenage girl library card holders out of the way. Ha ha! This book is popular among the female set because it features a strikingly handsome vampire as one of the protagonists from what I gather.

In terms of leisurely reading, I am working on William Makepeace Thackeray's "Vanity Fair", not the magazine of the same name. It's okay so far, but nothing that really knocked my socks off. The story is about two girls - Amanda Sedley and Becky Sharp and the rise and fall of their fortunes.

In the morning, I read the Wall Street Journal to get a dose of business news. In the evening I indulge in sfgate's Daily Dish, which keeps me informed about the latest celebrity gossip. (Speaking of which, can you believe Rihanna went back to that woman beater Chris Brown?) In addition to all of this, I also subscribe to a number of electronic newsletters that are more of a professional nature.

On top of that, I need to read German articles online so that I can identify interesting ones about America to translate. I've found one on the Neue Zuericher Zeitung about the dying American newspaper industry, which I need to translate into English now.

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