Friday, August 01, 2008

Miscellaneous musings of a monkey

Smart Car

I've been seeing more Smart cars on the road these days. They are really cute. If I had to get a car for downtown driving, a Smart car would be perfect. However, I'm not sure if I'd like to drive on the freeway in a Smart because I'm not sure if they can accelerate fast enough.

On a totally different topic, check out this Salon article on high heels. It's linked to a video of a guy wearing heels. He barely makes in around the block in those shoes! It is pretty hard to wear heels especially if the heels are thin rather than chunky. Some of my female coworkers wear heels almost everyday in the office. I'm not sure how they do it. I prefer to stay comfortable especially when I need to work and have my brain function. I do not need another distraction at work in the form of foot discomfort.

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