Monday, June 02, 2008

Still waters run deep


My cousin's daughter recently graduated from high school and that has brought back memories, not necessarily all pleasant. ;-)

I went to a high school where the environment was a dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest competition. Everyone wanted to out do the guy or gal next to them. Our class was also very large numbering somewhere in the mid 700's. I would have preferred a smaller class where I had a better chance to get to know my fellow classmates. The cool kids would sit in the hallways next to their lockers and do their homework or chat. In those days, GAP clothing was cool. If you had on something from GAP, you were looked upon as cool. Suffice it to say, I did not own a single item of clothing from GAP in high school, therefore I was relegated to the realm of the uncool. Okay, maybe it wasn't as black and white.

Not that I let that stop me though. Yes, this will be an underdog overcomes obstacles kind of a story. :-) I found my niche in German class. I was interested in it, and had a great teacher who really motivated me to do well.

As graduation day came around, so did the regular kind of end of high school rituals like popularity polls, senior prom and senior picnics. I didn't go to the prom, saved my money instead. I did, however, make it into the popularity poll multiple times. I was quite surprised to tell you the truth. Guess what I ended up being voted for? Most likely to succeed? Good guess, but not right. ;-P

I'll tell you. I placed first for quietest and bookworm and then placed second for shyest. It was nice that I was famous enough to be voted, but then these aren't very complimentary characteristics in an extrovert dominated society. I still think they were all wrong. Sure, a part of me is like that pigeonholing me into those categories was so one dimensional of them. I'm over that though and have moved on. :-) Who needs pop polls? High schoolers can be so cruel sometimes.

P.S. Please vote in my new poll. My 10 year high school reunion is coming up this year. Should I go?

P.P.S.- To hear U2's Elevation song, click the title of my picture today.

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