Can people still make new friends when they are no longer in a school-like environment?
What is the definition of a friend? How has it changed over time? Did people in the older generations have closer friendships than people in the younger generations?
At what point in a relationship does an acquaintance become a friend? How do you know this?
It is extremely difficult for people who are no longer in school or college to make new "friends", however you wish to define that term. People often advise those wishing to find new friends to join clubs or pursue their interests and they will automatically find like-minded people who could potentially become friends. This sounds logical, but this seldom happens in practice. One reason is that there are many weird people out there. So in order to protect themselves, people do not to open up much to strangers that they do not know well. This is self preservation and is a natural reaction. Another reason is that people often already have a well established group of friends and do not feel the need to add to that group.
I have a theory that friendships were better in the good old days when people knew each other for many years from childhood onwards. This may be due to the fact that a long time ago, most people grew up and remained in the communities in which they were born. These days in which mobility is within reach of the masses, friends are strewn across the country or across the globe. Everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives or busy with their careers. It's such a shame to lose contact with those whom you once thought were your friends. However at times, friends can disappoint you and get on your nerves as well.
An acquaintance becomes a friend when you are both on the same wavelength and you enjoy talking to one another. Between good friends there exists a level of trust. You trust the other person enough to share personal experiences and stories with them. You feel comfortable enough to call them up without notice and ask them if they want to hang out or just meet up
for a coffee. You just know when an acquaintance has friend potential, but often it's a little dicey because you don't know if the person really wants to hang out with you or if they are just being nice when they talk to you. Someone has to go out on a limb and ask if the other person wants to hang out. It is often then that an acquaintance becomes a friend.
What are your thoughts on these questions?
It's been three months now since I first started blogging regularly and I am as amazed as you are that I have kept it up. :-) Admittedly, some days I am just scrambling to find something to talk about in this blog or desperately seeking something interesting to take a picture of. I also have to work, which leaves me precious little time for my own creative pursuits of which this is one. With this backdrop, I will segue into a slightly funny column I read in sfgate today. I only found certain passages funny, mind you. It discusses man bags. I think the columnist Jon Carroll was as desperate as I occasionally am when I need to find something to blog about. Imagine if you had to write a column everyday and had to be witty every single day. You'd be searching everywhere frantically for suitable topics as well and some attempts are more successful than others. :-)
Finally I come to my picture of the day. It is a bunch of keys and keychains of various shapes and sizes. What is on your key ring? It tells a lot about you whether you know it or not.
Friday, March 28, 2008
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- baptism
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- barbed wire
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- binder clip
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- birds sing
- birth rate
- birthdays
- Bistro Burger
- bizarre
- Black Friday
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- blast
- blood orange
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- blue collar
- blur
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- bmw
- boats
- bombshell
- bonus
- bookcase
- books
- Bose
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- Boston Common
- Botanical gardens
- Botantical Skin Resurfacing
- bottle
- Bourne Ultimatum
- boxing
- boycott
- bragging
- brands
- bread
- British
- broken engagement
- Buddhism
- Bumble and Bumble
- burning midnight oil
- bus
- bus riding
- Bush
- business
- business administration
- business men
- buttons
- buy one get one free
- buying advice
- buying property
- buzzword
- by the word
- c
- Cable Car
- Cable Car Museum
- cable cars
- Cafe Madeleine
- Cairo speech
- California
- California Academy of Sciences
- California street
- callused
- Caltrain
- camcorder
- camera
- candles
- candy
- candy bar
- Canon
- Canon G11
- Cantonese
- Car
- car accident
- Carl Sandburg
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- carnival
- carpool
- cartoon
- casket
- cast
- Casual Friday
- cat nap
- cat person
- catamaran
- caterwaul
- Catonese opera
- cattle
- caution
- Cédric Klapisch
- ceiling
- celebration
- celebrity
- Celia's Mexican Restaurant
- cello
- cereal
- Chai
- chair
- change in career
- charisma
- chatty seatmate
- cheery blossoms
- chemistry
- cherry blossoms
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- children
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- China Basin
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- chinese
- Chinese character
- Chinese chess
- Chinese New Year
- Chinese people
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- Christmas duties
- Christmas gift for mother
- ciao bella
- cinderella project
- Cinta Aveda Institute
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- City College of San Francisco
- City Guides from Economist
- city hall
- Civic center
- civic duty
- clam shell
- class
- classes in San Francisco
- clean sheet
- clean up
- Clinton
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- clothes
- clothing
- coast
- cockroach
- Coffe Bean
- coffee
- Coit Tower
- cold
- Color
- colors
- comment
- commentary
- common courtesy
- commuter school
- comparison of cities
- composition
- conference
- confused tourists
- Cons
- Conservatory of Flowers
- constructive feedback
- Contemporary Jewish Museum
- contest
- copier
- corporate america
- corporate veil
- corporations
- corportation
- cost basis
- cost of
- costumes
- countdown
- Couric
- court decision
- cranky
- crazy
- creativity
- crime rate
- crimes
- crimson
- crimson rose
- Crissy Field
- Critical Mass
- critique
- crooked smile
- crookedest
- crosswalk
- crowds
- cruise
- culture
- cup
- Cupid's Span
- custom white balance
- customer service
- dachshund
- Daffodil Hill
- daffodils
- DailyCandy
- dance
- dancing
- dandelion
- danger
- darkroom
- daydream
- Daylight Savings
- De Young Museum
- deaths
- debate
- debit and credit
- Debussy
- decoration
- Democrats
- dentist
- deposition
- desire
- detention camp
- Deutsch
- Deutsche Welle
- Deutschland
- Diamond Head
- diamond lane
- differences
- dim sum
- dim sum guide
- dinner
- dirndl
- discussion
- disgusting
- diversity
- dog person
- doggie diner
- dogs
- Dolores Park
- dome
- domestic US travel
- don't get old
- downtown
- Downtown LA
- drama
- dream
- dream job
- dress shoe
- dried urine
- dried urine smells
- dripping sandwich
- drobo
- drowsy
- du bist so schoen
- due diligence
- dummies
- dumped
- dumplings
- dusk
- Earth Hour
- earthquake
- economic situation
- edgy
- editor
- educated
- education
- Egg holder
- Eigenbroetler
- elections
- Elevation
- Elf
- email overload
- embaracadero
- embarcadero
- Embarcadero Center
- endorphins
- engagement
- engagement ring
- English
- enlargement
- entrepreneur
- EOS 5D
- error
- escape
- etymology
- eureka
- Europe
- European world cup
- euros
- event
- event photography
- events
- Evolver
- excel
- executive pay cap
- exercise
- exercising
- exhibitionism
- exhibitionists
- existential angst
- existential questions
- expert witness
- external storage
- eyeballs
- facial
- factory
- fall festival
- fare increase
- Farmer's Market
- fashions
- faust
- fear of balls
- Feast Days
- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- feedback
- fence
- fern
- Ferry Building
- field trip
- fight on the bus
- filming locations
- financial cost
- financial crisis
- Financial District
- Finanzkrise
- fire
- fire engine
- firefighter
- fireman
- first day
- first day of school
- fischerman
- fish
- Fisherman's Wharf
- flash mob
- flashlight
- Flatiron
- Fleet Week
- flex
- flight
- flights
- flip phone
- Flood Building
- Florence
- Flower
- flower basket
- flower pavilion
- Flowers
- fluffy
- fly
- flying monkeys
- fog
- Food
- food chronicle
- foot
- for love or money
- forensic accounting
- forensics lab
- format
- forms galore
- Fotografie
- frame
- framed art work
- frames
- France
- Frank-Walter Steinmeier
- Frankfurt am Main
- free museums
- free things
- Freedom Trail
- frei wille
- French
- Fridays
- fried
- friendship
- Fritz
- Fritzchen
- fruit juice
- fruits of summer
- furniture
- games
- Gandhi
- Gap
- Garmin Nuevi
- Gatsby
- gender
- gender communication
- Georgia
- geriatrics
- German
- German American Business Association
- German Christmas pyramid
- German exam
- German language
- German pillows
- German restaurants in San Francisco
- Germania
- Germanophile
- germany
- Gesundheit
- GEZ fees
- glamour shots
- glow
- godot
- going home
- gold; vienna
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Golden Gate Park
- golden hour
- golden parachute
- golf
- golfing
- good daughter
- goody good gumdrops
- Grace Cathedral
- Graduation
- grammar
- grand opening
- Grand Palace
- Grant Ave
- green
- green tea
- greeting cards
- groceries
- grocery stores
- growing pains
- gummi bears
- hair cut
- haircut
- Half Dome
- Halloween
- hamster
- handout
- hands
- happy
- happy face
- Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
- hare krishna
- Harvard
- Harvard Business Review
- harvest
- Hawaii
- HDR images
- he said
- head
- headache
- headphones
- headquarters
- heart
- heart locket
- hearts in San Francisco
- heat
- heels
- helmet
- hidden beauty
- high heels
- high school
- highlight
- highway patrol
- hike
- hippies
- historical figures
- Hitchcock
- Holder
- hole in the wall
- holiday
- home
- home sweet home
- homeless
- homemade lunch
- homeward bound
- homework
- Hornblower
- horses
- hot weather
- Hotel
- house brands
- how to
- how to tell the difference
- how to travel
- how to unwind
- hula
- hunchback
- Hungary
- ice cream
- ice skating
- idealist
- If You're Out There
- Ikea
- ikebana picture
- impressions
- improving your brain
- in my dreams
- inauguration
- increase
- India
- indian summer
- industrial
- info overload
- interests
- interpretation
- interview
- Introvert
- invention
- inverse
- Invisible Man
- Italian class
- italiano
- Italophile
- Italy
- itinerary
- J. Crew
- jack-in-the-box
- jaded
- jamba juice
- Japanese
- Japanese Tea Garden
- Japantown
- jeans
- Jeff Weston
- Jennifer Aniston
- job
- John Edwards
- John Legend
- John Mayer
- joong
- July 4th
- jump
- jump on the bandwagon
- Justin Herman Plaza
- JW Marriott
- karaoke
- karma
- Katie Holmes
- keeping up with the Joneses
- Kettle
- keychain
- kiddies
- kids
- kill fly
- King Kalakaua
- Kleenex
- Koi Palace
- Kopfkissen
- Korean food
- lab
- lack of acknowledgement
- ladybug
- laidbackness
- landfill
- lantern
- laptop
- law
- leafy
- lederhosen
- leftovers
- lens
- lessons learned
- letters
- life is unfair
- light
- light bulb
- light switch
- Lightroom
- linguistics
- little monkey
- logic
- logo
- Lombard Street
- lone Cypress
- lone star
- loneliness
- Los Angeles
- lose Chinese market share
- Lost in Translation
- love letter
- lunch
- Lyon Arboretum
- lyrics
- macs
- Mad Men
- Mad Men DVD
- made in China
- magic
- magnifying glass
- Magnolia
- Malen mit Licht
- man and dog
- man and woman
- man in the box
- Mandarin at CCSF
- Mandarin Chinese
- Mandarin collar
- Mandarin for Speakers of Other Dialects
- MandM
- mania
- mannequins
- March Madness
- markets crash
- marriage
- marshmallow
- Martin Luther King
- Massachusetts
- Mastrelli's Delicatessen
- matrimonial harmony
- Maultaschen
- McCain
- medal
- medicine
- Medvedev
- meet up
- melancholy
- Mercedes
- Mercury
- message from President
- Michael Buble
- middle seat
- milk
- mindfulness
- minefield
- Mirror Lake
- mission
- mission accomplished
- Mission Dolores
- misspellings
- mist
- MLK day
- Moana Surfrider
- mobile phone
- model minority
- modern art
- modesty
- Mona Lisa
- money
- money laundering
- monkey
- monkey energy
- Monterey
- Monty Python
- mooncakes
- moonlighting
- moose
- moose head
- more fun than a barrel full of monkeys
- morning
- moth
- movie review
- movies
- Mpix review
- muffin top
- mug
- muni
- Musee Mecanique
- Museum Day
- Museum of Fine Arts
- music
- musical education
- Muslim
- must see films
- mutiny
- MyPublisher
- mystery
- Nancy Drew
- nat king cole
- Natasha Richardson
- nation of cowards
- nature
- Naval base
- Neighborhood
- networking
- new chapter
- new employer
- new job
- New Orleans
- new page
- new president
- New York
- New York City
- New York Times
- New Zealand
- newspaper
- ni hao ma
- night
- night photography
- nightmare
- Nikon
- no dinner
- No line on the Horizon
- no notice
- Nob Hill
- noodle vortex
- NorCal
- North Beach sandwich
- North by Northwest
- North End
- Northface
- Nose
- nose picking
- note cards
- notebooks
- Nunchuk
- Oahu
- oars
- Obama
- Obamania
- Oberammergau
- October 25
- office
- office sketches
- Office Space
- Oktoberfest
- old restaurant
- Old World
- older recruits
- olive bread
- Olympic torch
- One Market
- optometrist
- orange
- Orlando
- Outdoor photographer
- Outrigger
- overeating
- overworked
- Oxenrose
- pack light
- pagoda
- painful
- painiting with light
- Painting with light
- paintings
- paints
- Palace Hotel
- Palin
- palms
- panda
- panning
- paparazzi
- paper cuts
- paper jam
- paradise
- paranoid
- Paris
- party
- passion play
- passport
- pay
- peace
- Peace Plaza
- peach
- peaches
- pear
- Pearls
- pearly whites
- peet's
- pent up monkey energy
- people watching
- personals ad
- pet peeve
- photo book comparision
- photobooks
- photobooks. homemade lunch
- photographers I admire
- photographic rebel
- photography
- photography gig
- photography instructor
- Photography meetup
- photojojo
- photojournalism
- physical education
- picnic
- picture
- pig
- piggy bank
- Pike Place
- pillows
- pills
- pinball
- pinch
- pink
- Piperade
- pivot tables
- Pixar
- pixie cut
- plants
- playing with fire
- pledge of allegiance
- poetry
- points
- polarizing filter
- political
- politics
- polka dots
- poll
- polls
- pollution
- porcelain throne
- portfolio
- portrait
- posing
- post office
- postcards
- potato chips
- potluck
- potsticker
- Poway
- power walking
- powerpoint
- preening
- president
- prime minister
- prism
- products
- profane
- professional facade
- professional women
- prom dresses
- pros
- Provence
- Prudential Center
- psychedelic
- public library
- public nose picking
- public promenade
- public television
- public toilet
- public transportation
- puff of air eye test
- pungent
- put a ring on it
- random acts of violence
- rat race
- Rayko
- Reaching for the light
- reading
- reality show
- recurring dream
- red
- red egg
- red fence
- red room
- red sign
- Red Sox
- redact
- redeem
- renewal
- Renoir
- restaurant
- reunion
- review
- reward
- rice cooker
- Ring
- rinse
- rising tide
- risky business
- rite of passage
- Ritter Sport
- River Bubble
- robot
- Roger Cicero
- Rome
- rooftop garden
- root
- root of all suffering is desire
- rose
- rose garden
- routing
- rubber duckies
- ruckus
- rude
- rush
- sacred
- sad clown
- salad bowl
- sale
- Salon
- Saloon
- Samovar tea lounge
- San Bruno Mountain
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Asian Art Museum
- San Francisco Bay
- San Francisco Japantown
- San Francisco MUNI
- San Francisco Musuem of Modern Art
- San Jose
- sandals
- sandwich
- Saudi Arabia
- Sausalito
- save money
- scales
- scene
- Schlage
- schmooze
- school festivals
- Schroeders
- scissor
- seat neighbor
- Seattle
- Seattle Public Library
- secret
- secret garden
- secret mission
- Secretary of State
- seedling
- self portrait
- sensitive teeth
- sensory overload
- September
- Sequoia
- Servicewueste
- Seville
- SFMoma
- shadow play
- she said
- sheep
- Sheraton
- shirts
- shoe
- shoe rack
- shoes
- shoeshine
- shopping
- short notice
- shortage
- Sightseeing
- silhouette
- silk
- Singtao
- Sitting
- sketchy
- skiing
- skirts
- skyline
- Slanted Door
- sleep
- sleep deprived
- small town
- Smart car
- Smithsonian
- snapshots
- sneeze
- SNL spoof
- snob
- snow
- snowboard
- snowboarding
- SoCal
- soccer
- social butterfly
- social commentary
- social life
- Sofft
- solar power
- soldier
- Somali pirates
- song
- sore
- Sound of Music
- South San Francisco
- Spain
- Spanish
- SPE West
- speed
- speed of pedestrians
- speeding
- spendthrift
- spider
- spiral
- spring
- spring cleaning
- spring rolls
- springtime
- squirrels
- St. Anthony
- St. Mary's Square
- St. Patrick's Day
- St. Stupid Day
- stagnant
- stains
- starbucks
- State House
- Statue of Liberty
- Stern Grove
- stockmarket
- stone
- stores
- stories
- Stow Lake
- straw hat
- street names
- street photography
- strike a pose
- Studio Lagorio
- studio lighting
- Stuttgart
- stylist
- subscription
- suffer
- Summer
- sun worshiper
- Sunday
- sunset
- Superbowl ads 2009
- Suppenkueche
- sushi
- Sutro Baths
- swat
- sweaters
- swine flu mask
- swing
- Switzerland
- SWR3 web radio
- tables
- tabula rasa
- Tahiti
- Tahoe
- Taschenlampe
- tax dollars at work
- taxes
- taxi
- Teamwork
- teapot
- teeth
- Tekka Sushi
- terrorism
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Eve
- The Artist's Way
- the Bus
- the cost of having a social life
- the film
- the modern man
- The Office
- theater majors
- theme tree
- things to do
- three decades angst
- thrillers
- thumbs up
- Tiffany
- timberlake
- time exposure
- Times Square
- Tina Fey
- tiny people
- tips
- tiramisu
- toilet
- toilet humor
- toilet seat covers
- toilets
- Tokio Hotel
- TomTom GO 730 review
- torture
- tourism
- tourist
- tourists
- Toyota
- toys
- Tracht
- Trader Joe's
- traditions
- training
- training the eye
- trams
- translation
- transportation
- Trauma
- travel
- travel magazine
- travel photographer
- travel tips
- Travel wish list
- travelogue
- Treasure Island
- tres cool
- trick or treat
- Tuolumne Grove
- turkey
- Turlock
- TV
- TV debate
- TV show
- twilight
- twilight zone
- twisted
- U2
- ubercool
- ugly Americans
- umbrellas
- uncomfortable
- undisclosed location
- unemployment
- unfriending someone
- United States Postal Service
- Universal Studios
- unsafe
- unwind
- Up the movie
- upside down happiness
- urban renewal
- urinal
- urine smells
- US
- US Airways
- US Army
- utilikilts
- vacation
- Valentine's Day
- Valentines Eve
- values
- Vanity Fair
- vase
- vegetables
- veil
- vending machine
- Veranda
- Vertigo
- verweile doch
- vice
- victory
- video
- video game
- Vietnamese
- Virgin of Guadalupe
- vogue
- Volcano
- volunteer work
- volunteering
- vote
- voting
- VW bug
- Wahlsieg
- waiting for godot
- walkable
- walking
- Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- Walmart
- Walzwerk
- wanderlust
- wardrobe
- warning sign
- water
- water bottle
- waterfalls
- Weather
- wedding
- Wednesday
- weeding
- Weihnachtspyramide
- Western
- Westfield
- Westminster Abbey
- whack a mole
- what goes around comes around
- wheel
- when I fall in love
- why
- Wide angle
- Wii
- Wii Fit
- wikipedia
- wildflower
- Wilhemina
- Will Ferrell
- William Dobbin
- wind chimes
- windmill
- wine
- wishful thinking
- wobbly egg
- woman
- women
- wonton
- work
- work at night
- workshop
- World Affairs Council
- Worldwide Moment of Peace
- Yahoo
- Yerba Buena
- yin and yang
- yoga
- Yosemite
- yuppies
- yuppy
- zebra
- Zen
- Zicam
- zone
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